Ochoco Gravel Roubaix - Prineville's first gravel race!
Thanks to hundreds of miles of paved and gravel roadways, Ponderosa Pines, and breathtaking valley views, bicycling in the Ochoco National Forest is gaining momentum by the day. And now we are excited to announce a new race happening in the Forest this summer - The Ochoco Gravel Roubaix! The Roubaix will feature 2 gravel loops - 120 and 45 miles. The 120 mile loop is over 40% gravel and takes you from the center or Prineville up the McKay Saddle, over the Ochoco Divide then past Big Summit Prairie before looping back up the Post-Paulina highway to Crooked River Park. The 45 mile loop, also known as The North Star on Ride With GPS, starts in town, heading north up McKay to Harvey's Gap, then Milcreek, before the return west on Highway 126 to Crooked River Park. There will also be an in-town 10 mile loop ending at Crooked River Park where the finish line party will happening all day.
Registration for the race is now open - www.ochocogravelroubaix.com. The race will be Saturday, August 29. We look forward to sharing the Ochoco's with you this summer!